Planet Barter vs Planet Finance

Who are we

We are Bayze International Ltd, the inventors of the Blue Sky Index™ your connection to the Hugh Everett's Multiverse where all is possible.

The BSI is the steppingstone to a new multiworld where Fair BSI-Based Barter will be the foundation for prosperity and peace for all people and countries.

The money generated with the BSI will be invested in the Project Generators, which are needed for fast flash barter trading , entertainment, culture, youth, animals and nature.

Our Vision

Our vison is that each dream anyone can have will come true with the BSI app. And this will be accelerated by spreading the BSI all over the world.

Our Mission

Our mission is a happy (multi)world for mankind, beasts and nature by making Blue Efficient choices with the BSI app. This goal was set in the year 2030. But since time has ended to exist it now only depends on the Blue Efficent choices of each person done with FREE WILL ( zero coercion or force )

Our value

Our value is that all our ( Blue Efficient ) choices are done with FREE WILL. Otherwise the BSI wont work and we fall ( ( the user falls) down to the default world we are living in. But that's again a FREE CHOICE. In the other hand with the BSI everyone will know there is a FREE WILL.

Our Team